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World’s smartest child is also wise — he wants to study in Israel!

A 9-year-old boy from Belgium who is considered the world’s smartest child approached the Israeli embassy in Brussels in order to explore the possibility of continuing his advanced studies in Israel.

Laurent Simons, a child prodigy with an IQ of 147, has never been to Israel and he is not Jewish. Yet, he would like to study in Israel because he believes he can reach his highest potential here.

His parents, Lydia and Alexander Simons, asked the Israeli Consulate to help them find a suitable university for Laurent.

“It is a source of pride that this child has chosen to study in Israel,” Ambassador Emmanuel Nahshon said. “It shows he is not only a genius but also really smart.”

Laurent’s grandparents noticed the boy was extremely gifted when he was young. His parents admit they thought their parents were exaggerating about the child’s abilities, but they were amazed after Laurent passed numerous tests given by his teachers trying to ascertain the extent of his gift.

Laurent now has an undergraduate degree in electronic engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. He wants to study biotechnology, medicine and bioengineering and his dream is to design prosthetic organs when he grows up.

But first he wants to master Hebrew.

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