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Shelanu TV

Writer's pictureRon Cantor

Urgent Need for Hong Campaign!

Dear Friend and Partner,

We have an urgent need of $3,300 for the Isaiah 2 Initiative’s Campaign for Yeshua to Hong, Nigeria. Nigerian Pastor Mike Moses, is traveling to Hong from his home in Yola on Friday. He will be hosting a pastors and leaders meeting of 200-300 leaders.

In addition, they will begin to flood the region with posters and stickers advertising the Campaign for Yeshua.

Pastor Mike will be staying in Hong until after the New Year, meeting with leaders and organizing the outreach. Friends, I cannot stress enough how important this early preparation is. Good organization can be the difference between reaching 10,000 souls and 100,000 souls.

Pastor Mike will choose a local campaign chairman and committee heads over ushers, food, sound, grounds keeping, hospitality, and so much more. As this Campaign for Yeshua will most likely be the largest event ever to come to their region, much work is required and it is essential to the long-term success that the local leaders take ownership of this outreach.

We need to wire Pastor Mike the funds for this pre-campaign trip on Wednesday. So I am asking you to make a special gift at this time. If 100 people give just $33 the need will be met. Maybe you can give much more than that? Ten people giving $330 would take care of it quickly.

What a joy to know that your gift will directly result in having new names written in heaven—new voices worshipping Yeshua.

You will be directed to MMI’s website and then to Tikkun’s (our covering organization) PayPal page. In just a few clicks you can populate heaven! Again, we need to send the funds to Pastor Mike on Wednesday.

You can send your support to the address below. If you do, please send us an email ( by Wednesday, letting us know that the gift is coming. That way we can count it towards the total for this present need.

Tikkun Int’l c/o Messiah’s Mandate PO BOX 2997 Gaithersburg, MD 20886

Dear friends, we will only be successful in Hong, if we work as a team. Mike Moses is sacrificing greatly, leaving the church he leads, and his family, for the next two weeks to ensure the success of his campaign. He is doing this because he believes in the Isaiah 2 Initiative—bringing Israelis from Zion to Africa to preach the gospel. Let’s make sure he knows we are standing with him!

Thank you for loving the lost and helping us to train Israelis to proclaim Yeshua’s message.

To the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).


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