I need to share with you with an urgent need. Messiah’s Mandate supports, in part, Tiferet Yeshua Congregation with nearly $10,000 a month. Tiferet Yeshua is a Hebrew speaking, Spirit-filled Messianic congregation in the heart of Tel Aviv. I am one of the pastors, and was the lead pastor for more than three years. I love this congregation.
We have many young people who are sharing the good news of Yeshua with their fellow Israelis, and praying for the sick on the streets. Every week we hear great testimonies of healing. God is moving!
This month was the first time, in as long as I can remember, that we could not make our monthly donation. We were $6,000 short! In addition, we have Todd White coming to Israel to train us in signs and wonders evangelism and Messiah’s Mandate has committed to hire staff to oversee the children. We love to bless!
At this conference, Israelis from all over the country will be infused with power to share the Good News!
Awesome Testimony
In fact, it is already happening. Last week, I had a man walk up to me and ask, “Do you speak English?” After I said yes, he went on to complain about Israel. He was a Jewish man from Australia. I told him that I was Messianic.
He said, “I don’t believe in a Messiah, but a messianic age, when all men will live peace.” I pointed out that the world does not seem to be moving in that direction (North Korea, Iran, etc.). This is a very progressive, humanistic brand of Judaism.
I said, “Let’s get right to the point and see if the Messiah is real. Do you have any pain in your body?” “Yes, I do.” He pointed to his stomach and explained he had a sharp pain there.
I said, “Here is what we are going to do. I am going to pray for your stomach, and you are going to be healed, and then you will know that Yeshua is the Messiah!”
He agreed, and I prayed for him. Then I asked, “Is the pain gone?”
He appeared astonished and he nodded, “The pain is gone.”
I said, “You see how much Yeshua loves you? He healed you so you would know He is real!”
He was speechless—literally. His eyes welled up with tears. He was overcome with emotion as he felt the presence of God, probably for the first time!
God is moving in the restored nation of Israel! Will you stand with us in Tel Aviv? The need is immediate. Whatever you can give will be a blessing. And consider partnering with us monthly. If you are already a monthly partner, please consider a special extra gift this month. Just go to www.standwithmmi.org and give online, or use the address below to send a check. Salaries must be paid, as well as rent. But that rent and those salaries sustain a vibrant, on-fire, Hebrew-speaking Messianic witness in Tel Aviv.
Messiah’s Mandate c/o Maoz Israel PO Box 535788 Grand Prairie TX 75053
Thank you!
Until all Israel is saved! (Roman 11:26),
Ron Cantor