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The news in Israel just gets worse.

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

What we now know

What every Israeli was asking yesterday (and maybe everyone worldwide) was: How did Hamas pull this off? But first, the somber and shocking news. It still doesn’t feel real.

  • More than 600 Israelis are dead. And probably much more by the time the dust settles. Many are missing.

  • More than 2,000 wounded.

  • Two more terrorists were just neutralized on Highway 4 near Ashkelon, minutes from our home.

  • An Egyptian policeman fired on Israeli tourists in Alexandria, killing at least two Israelis and one Egyptian.

  • Some of the terrorists fled north to Ashdod, where they were in a gun battle with Israeli forces. Again, this is near our home and many we know.

  • IDF claims to have killed 400 terrorists.

  • Anywhere from dozens to over 100 Israelis are being held hostage in Gaza.

  • 43 officers in the IDF have been killed.

How did they do it?

Hamas used low-tech (no phones) to plan the attack communicating through couriers. They started with launching some 2,500-5,000 rockets as cover for a ground invasion. As the IDF was focused on the rocket diversion, Hamas jihadists entered Israeli territory through various means.

  • They used a bulldozer to tear down our border fence. Trucks full of Jihadists poured into our southern towns.

  • Some paraglided into Israel.

  • Others came in via the Mediterranean Sea on speed boats. Gaza is a very short distance from Ashkelon’s beaches, “while a motorboat was filmed heading to Zikim, an Israeli coastal town and military base.”

  • Some even pedaled into Israel on bicycles, according to reports, and rode on motorcycles.

Shocking Reports

Hundreds of Israelis were camped out in a desert field at a festival during Sukkot. Chaos ensued as terrorists killed many of them and kidnapped others. “Israeli festivalgoers could be seen dancing in the desert at dawn on Saturday, completely unaware that within minutes members of the Hamas militant group were about to descend from the skies and inflict terror.” One father, fighting through tears, told how his son and others fled in car, passing terrorists. He broke down in the interview, knowing his son was okay.

Reuters reports, “Bloodied bodies in the streets, gunmen raiding door-to-door and news of captives taken to Gaza left Israelis terrified and in shock after the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack that was unprecedented in audacity and scale. ‘I went out, I saw loads of bodies of terrorists, civilians, cars shot up. A sea of bodies, inside Sderot along the road, other places, loads of bodies,’ said Shlomi from Sderot.”

  • Terrorists took over the Sderot police station, killing 20 police officers. After a nearly 24-hour battle, Israelis regained control, neutralizing the terrorists.

  • There is a video being circulated of a woman, possibly in her 70s, being put on a motorcycle, and taken to Gaza, and a little boy being forced by a man to go with him.

  • Another woman huddles with her child as Hamas takes them away.

  • There is one of an Israeli child that has been taken to Gaza. He is roaming the streets of Gaza alone as other Arab children surround him and mock him, calling him a filthy Jew.

  • I just watched a video from a doctor at our local hospital, Barzilai, in Ashkelon after they were hit by a missile. We have been raising money for this hospital. Now, I am sure they will need more.

There are videos of the people of Gaza celebrating with a dead Israeli body. I had a friend of mine who is a PhD archaeologist respond in a group chat. Some people in the chat expressed their support and love for Israel. His response was, “Praying for peace.” Any attempt to equate the democratic nation of Israel, despite all of her problems, with a bloodthirsty fanatical terror group who dances with dead bodies is sick! There actions are inhumane, Nazi-like.

If your sister was raped, would you pray for peace between her and the rapist? When America was attacked on 9/11, did we pray for peace between America and Al-Qaeda? So spare me your prayers for peace. This is a great injustice, and the world needs to wake up.

How you can pray!

  • The most important need right now is the safety of the Israeli hostages in Gaza.

  • Pray for the families of the hostages who are distraught right now and feeling severe symptoms of hopelessness.

  • Pray for our government leaders and military commanders to be lead by the Spirit of God as they respond and as they seek to protect Israel.

  • Pray for supernatural protection for the rest of the country.

  • Pray specifically for Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, as they have become the MASH unit for this war. As I reported above, they themselves have been hit by rocket fire.

  • Pray that any remaining terrorists inside of Israel would be captured or neutralized.

  • And anything else you can think of, just pray. Pray with your churches. Pray with your friends. And speak out against antisemitism. Speak out against anti-Israel sentiment.

Thank you

Ron Cantor :-(

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