Today is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. It's actually the first day of the 7th month, not the first. It seems that while we were in exile in Babylon, we adopted part of their calendar, including the new year. But I think there is another reason why the rabbis changed this holiday from the Feast of Trumpets to a new year.
If you read the description in Leviticus 23 about the feast of trumpets, it is quite vague. There is a trumpet blast, you don't go to work, and there is an offering. That's about it. No one is told what we are commemorating with trumpet blasts.
Could it be that we are remembering something that is yet to come? Maybe we are looking forward to an event, not remembering one? I am firmly convinced this is the case. And the Feast of Trumpets points to an event that we are rapidly approaching, the coming of Yeshua the Messiah in the clouds of heaven to gather his elect and establish his Kingdom on planet Earth.
There are four main passages in the new covenant that speak of the last trumpet blast (Matt. 24:30-31, 1 Cor. 15:50-57, 1 Thes. 4:16-18, Rev. 11:15), and all of these passages are about the announcement of the Kingdom of Yeshua coming to planet Earth. In Revelation 11, the last of the seven trumpets is blown, signifying that "The kingdoms of the world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Messiah, and He shall reign forever and ever."
This weekend I preached a short message on these four passages at one of our Tikkun congregations that I believe will ignite your faith. The message is designed to not only explain the true reason that we blow the trumpet, or the shofar, on this sacred day but to stir up zeal and passion for the appearance of our God and Savior, Yeshua.