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It was standing room only!

Israelis are hungry for God. Tiferet Yeshua was standing room only last Friday for Shabbat services!

I’ve never seen anything like it in a congregation in Israel. There were so many new faces!

This summer we are raising $50,000 for Tiferet Yeshua, the congregation we attend and are elders at in Tel Aviv. We need about $18,000 more to reach our goal before the end of summer.

Please consider making a generous donation today and help this precious group of believers receive the harvest that God is bringing to Israel.

Revival is coming.

Until all Israel is saved (Rom. 11:26),

Ron Cantor

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Shalom from Israel! I am Ron Cantor and this is my blog. I serve as the President of Shelanu TV.

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"We reached 260,000 Israelis in just two weeks. With your help we can do this every week!"

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