The video below was made yesterday. It's been viewed almost 20,000 times on Facebook and shared hundreds of times. Israel is in a critical moment where her very existence as a democratic state is at risk. No, I'm not talking about an outside threat, but internal. The present right wing/religious government passed legislation last night to take away the ability of the Supreme Court to overturn a law that they consider "unreasonable." This would give the ruling coalition carte blanche to make up whatever law they want to, without any checks and balances from the Supreme Court. Israelis are very concerned. 100s of Pilots are striking and 10,000 reservists are not reporting. Hundreds of thousands of citizens are marching. This new law does not represent the will of the people.
There is war in the spirit. It is no coincidence that this is happening just after three weeks of prayer and fasting for Israel with millions of people from around the world. This is another end-time birth pang! Please prayer! And watch the video below.
Thank you for these updates & calling the body to pray for Israel. It is definitely a birth pang. Something the Lord's been showing me is where you're attacked at is where you're anointed at.
One day Yeshua will rule & reign in righteousness from Jerusalem, Israel & the people of Israel will say blessed is He! I know you call for the watchman on the walls, but I'm feeling a bit like a midwife because of the birth pangs being experienced. Remember Shifra & Puah the Egyptian midwives in the time of Moses saving the Hebrew babies. May the Shifra's & Puah's of this time also arise & attend to the labor & birth pangs of Israel.
Praying for…
I am from New Zealand where, like Israel, we have no constitution, a parliament of 120 members, and all laws require a simple majority of one to pass. But unlike Israel, our High Court can't overturn laws.
And New Zealand was recently ranked 2nd in the world for democracy ( ) - well above Israel (29th) and USA (30th).
So, I just shake my head when I see the recent upheavals in Israel. I think Avner Boskey has a good analysis of what's happening in some of his recent blogs ( ).
With you Ron 100% and will continue in prayer for all of Israel.
Eric from Oscoda, MI
I can heart you loud and clear!
We're continually praying for you (Israel) via Congregation Zions Sake Newport News VA. Pray pray pray and stand.