Why do Jewish people find it so difficult to accept Yeshua as the JEWISH Messiah?
It’s complex…and yet, simple.
For the next several weeks, on Messianic Monday, we will be sharing a short video where I address seven of these Jewish objections to Jesus and walk us through passages in the Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) that sound like they could be from the New—they describe Jesus in so much detail!
Today, I share about my own journey of coming to faith and my struggles with whether I was “still Jewish.”
These videos are a new part of our outreach at Shelanu TV (our 24-7 Hebrew digital gospel-sharing channel in Israel). Please pray that these messages reach thousands of Israelis and that their eyes would be open to see that Yeshua is indeed their long-awaited Jewish Messiah. And share them with your Jewish friends!
Until all Israel is saved (Rom.11:26),
Ron Cantor
Most Jews are aware of 2000 years of Christian persecutions in that name, and say, "If that is the Good News, then what is the BAD news?" Elhanan.
Le Messie que nous avons la grâce de connaître, nous non -juifs est votre Messie ! Il vous chérit !
JESUS came to save everyone, both Jews and Gentiles!