Today, Israel defended herself against the ridiculous charges of genocide. I would encourage you to watch the first and third presenter as they both made a robust case for why Israel is in Gaza. Furthermore, they show the utter hypocrisy of the South African government and how they have been in the pocket of Hamas. On October 7, before Israel ever responded, they had placed the blame for Hamas's atrocities against the people of Israel at the feet of Israel.
One of the worst accusations yesterday was that Israel operates in an apartheid system against its citizens. Apartheid means separation. I’m not talking about Palestinians, but Israeli Arabs who hold Israeli citizenship. Below is a video of an Arab young woman and a Jewish young man singing together in a music competition a few years ago. They sing the song Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. Hallelujah is a command to praise Yahweh.
In addition, we have Arabs in our Supreme Court, in our Knesset, Arab doctors, and lawyers, and every other profession, including policemen. It is a disgrace to say that Israel discriminates against its Arab citizens. Truthfully, all of those Arab citizens could live in different countries if that was what they wanted. But they stay in Israel, where they have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression—something they would not have in Muslim-dominated countries.
I also made a follow-up video to yesterday that I hope you’ll take the time to watch. I’m a little less angry and actually experienced the Lord's power and presence at the end of the video, which was a bit of a surprise for me. God deeply encouraged me that “he, who watches over Israel, will neither slumber nor sleep” (Ps. 121).
Shabbat Shalom