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Day 34 — Israel in Crisis

I know that you are very busy. I also know that you are deeply concerned about the 242 hostages that Hamas took from Israel. Can I just ask you to do one quick thing? Watch this short video below. It is just a few minutes and shows pictures and video of the 38 children that are somewhere in Gaza, underground in a tunnel.

As you watch it, let God touch your heart. Some of you might find it too painful. Believe me, I get it! We've been living this for a month already. But we cannot forget them. Please watch…

If you have the strength and the time, please check out this live video I did in Tel Aviv two days ago. The families of the hostages have gathered together and are living in tents in the Plaza outside the Tel Aviv Art Museum.

  • There is a Shabbat table with 242 places.

  • There is a tree where many of the leaves are pictures of the 38 children.

  • There is a live news team there doing interviews.

  • And an Orthodox Jewish woman stands behind a table teaching the secular women of Tel Aviv the blessings that the mother of Ori Megedish prayed before her daughter was brought home by Israeli soldiers.

Thank you for standing with Israel! God bless you.

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Shalom from Israel! I am Ron Cantor and this is my blog. I serve as the President of Shelanu TV.

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