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Day 31 — Israel in Crisis

You probably all want to know if I was able to see the raw footage of the Hamas atrocities. I was. A well-placed e-mail opened the door this morning, and we headed for Jerusalem. I will send you a detailed report tomorrow as I’m still processing what I saw.

So, for today…I will share some good news.

Last week, Elana and I drove throughout Ashkelon with the principal and one of the counselors from a local elementary school that is closed down. Ashkelon has been the most targeted large city by Hamas. The school is meeting by Zoom, but some of the poorer children don’t have computers. Thanks to your incredible generosity, we delivered 15 computers. The video is below!

Also last week, we raised a bunch of money to buy helmets for 22 soldiers. A Messianic congregation in the US asked if there were any more soldiers that needed helmets. So I asked my new friend Noam (pray for him as he is serving near the Gaza border). He made some calls, and sure enough, there was a unit of 35 soldiers that needed helmets. The congregation paid the entire bill!

Israel needs you to stand with her!

It is shocking how the world has turned against her. Not since the Holocaust have people been so brazenly anti-Semitic. The Church must rise up and stand with the ones who brought the gospel to the nations. When the nations needed Israel, Israel birthed Yeshua. Now, Israel needs believers from every nation to stand with her in prayer and generosity.

This is an Esther moment for many around the world—for such a time of this, you have come into the Kingdom—to make sure Israel knows she is not alone.

Thank you so much for your incredible generosity and love towards my people. We love you, and they’re so proud to be in this together with you.

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Shalom from Israel! I am Ron Cantor and this is my blog. I serve as the President of Shelanu TV.

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