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"Actions speak louder than words."
Don't get me wrong…I love words! I write and speak for a living. But actions always demonstrate whether we REALLY believe the words we are speaking.
For most Jews, the actions of "Christians" through the centuries haven't always lined up with the words of the One they claimed to follow, Jesus. Christians have often "provoked" Jews, but not to "jealousy" by our love for God and others, like the Apostle Paul said.
Showing my people who Jesus REALLY is—in word AND deed—is my passion. And this year, because of your partnership, we've not only shared the good news of Yeshua in Hebrew with thousands of Israelis, but we've also…
built bomb shelters for the Ethiopian Jewish community and others in Ashkelon,
provided food to Holocaust survivors,
are giving new computers and tablets to the Ethiopian Jewish Community Center in Ashkelon to better the educational opportunities of dozens of children,
given to those who lost their jobs because of coronavirus,
helped Messianic Jewish families in need, and
have supported Messianic pastors and their congregational needs.
In our year-end challenge, we are seeking to raise $150,000, so we can continue the vital work of reaching Jewish people with Yeshua's message, strengthening the body of Messiah in Israel, and helping those in need.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world…Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. (James 1:27, 2:18)
In the next few weeks, we will be sharing with you more and more about an amazing opportunity that will change the lives of over 200 children. I'll go into more detail later, but Shelanu TV is taking responsibility for 220 orphans in Kenya. While we have a heart for all orphans, this project moved us to action because 142 of these orphans are Ethiopian Jews.
Shelanu Kids was birthed!
God willing, Elana and I will be heading to Kenya in January to visit our dear coworker, Joash. Joash is the leader of Tikkun Africa, a network of 500 congregations all throughout Africa. He is an Ethiopian Jew whose family relocated to Kenya decades ago, and he will oversee Shelanu Kids. We have known Joash for many years.
They need to know that they are valued by God. We're going to raise up powerful leaders. These young men and women, I believe, will grow up to be doctors, scientists, and businesspeople, and preachers—all sharing the good news of Yeshua.
When you support Messiah's Mandate, you are:
Getting Hebrew-language content before Israelis through Shelanu…
Helping Holocaust survivors and the poor in Israel…
Standing with Israeli Messianic congregations…
Going to be pouring life into 220 orphans who need love, who need Yeshua.
Putting ACTION to our words means that Messiah's Mandate has given nearly $400,000 in 2021 to fund these projects—what a miracle! The reality is that these opportunities and open doors to bring the GOOD NEWS have outpaced our current 2021 funding. Your partnership, and any generous gift you can give in this final week of the year, will provide for this budget shortfall and push us into 2022 to continue helping the least of His brothers and sisters. This infrastructure funding is what makes every project possible.
Help us reach our $150,000 goal. Together, we can make a huge difference!
Until all Israel is saved (Rom 11:26),
Ron Cantor