There is a LIGHT in you
Yesterday I read this verse:
“The light shines in the dark, and the darkness does not overcome it.” (John 1: 5)
Of course this speaks of Yeshua, but do we know that Yeshua lives within us? We are the temple of God. That is, just as the presence of God was in the Temple, He is now dwelling in us. Yeshua said, “You are the light of the world.” And that we are not supposed to hide this light.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven...” (Matthew 5: 15-16)
(Incidentally, it is interesting that he speaks to the Jews, as Israel was called to be a light unto the nations—Is. 42, 49… in some way, the Sermon on the Mount was a reminder to Israel that they were not fulfilling their calling. They had completely separated from the Gentiles at the time of Yeshua.)
Okay, so the presence of the Holy Spirit is living in us, God has called us not to hide it but to let others see the light. We live in a dark world, but we are the light (thanks to Yeshua within us) and this light overcomes darkness. If I light a light, even a small candle in a dark room, the room will be filled with light. The light of God is much stronger than the darkness of Satan.
Do the people you work with see the light in your life? Do you shine the light actively—intentionally? For me, it’s a challenge. But every day I try to remind myself that Yeshua’s presence is in me.
A Young Lady at IKEA
Last week I was at IKEA here in Israel. I talked to a girl who works there. Suddenly I felt to ask her, “Do you know how much God loves you?” She looked stunned and amazed at the question. We talked about it a little and I asked her if I could pray for her. (It was in public). The presence of God (the light in me) really touched her. She pulled away and asked, “What was that?” I told her it was the presence of God andI wanted to bring her a book to read. When I returned she was talking to a colleague about what had happened. Now she is reading my book, Identity Theft in Hebrew.
Friends, we are the only “Yeshua” that many people will ever see. “In this world we are like Jesus.” (1 John 4:17)
How do we let our light shine?
Good works (Matthew 5:16)
Sharing the gospel (Mark 15:15)
Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Acts 3: 1-10, 9: 36-42)
May God will use you today to have a powerful impact in someones life!