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Hamas fired over 1,000 Rockets at Ashkelon
In war, it is the children who suffer the most. During the most recent conflict, more than 4,000 rockets rained down on the south and central parts of Israel. Thankfully, the anti-missile Iron Dome system protected many from loss of life and property.
Recently, my wife, Elana, and I met with mayor Tomer Glam of Ashkelon, my wife’s hometown. Ashkelon is only about 10 miles from Gaza. It was a main target for Hamas during the war. Hamas launched over 1,000 rockets at this city. My mother-in-law’s building was hit!
Mayor Glam and his team warmly received us, because we told him that believers in Yeshua want to stand with his city.
The first thing I said was that we were Messianic Jews. I told it important for me that they know that. Maybe they would not want our help, I thought. I was wrong! He said, “I don't care if you are Muslims, we need help!”
He said—help the children! They had to spend hours and hours sitting in old, drab concrete bomb shelters, listening for sirens and bombs. He said if we could help renovate these shelters, adding carpet, paint for the walls, activities, games, TVs, and other things that would help the children pass the time and not be so fearful—that would be a blessing!

Kids in Askelon stuck in a bomb shelter, most like underneath their apartment building.
So, let’s help protect the children better! My good friend, Troy Brewer at Open Door Church in Burleson, Texas, and his congregation have committed to match your gifts dollar for dollar up to $30,000.
Imagine if we gave $60,000 to the community of Ashkelon in the name of Yeshua to renovate their bomb shelters. When those children have to go there again (and no doubt, one day they will), they will see the practical love of THEIR Messiah in action—through YOU!
UPDATE: Our donors have double their matching funds challenge to $120,000!

Israelis run to a bomb shelter as Hamas shoots rockets
Give now to help renovate the bomb shelters in Ashkelon—a major population center just ten miles from Gaza. Consider giving generously—give $50, $100, or whatever you can toward the renovations.
Your $50 would become $100, your $100, $200. Together we can make a real impact reaching the Jewish people with the love of Yeshua, the Messiah.