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What you need to know about the anti-Israel Paris Conference

Writer's picture: Ron CantorRon Cantor

I have been thinking all day that I should write something about the Paris conference that takes place on Sunday. The goal of the conference is to see a Palestinian State created and for Israel to withdraw to our 1967 suicide borders, including relinquishing the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.

As I thought about what to write, I received an email from a dear friend in Beersheva, Israel, detailing the Paris Conference. Avner Boskey is highly regarded leader in the Messianic movement in Israel and has deep insights into the Middle East. He has graciously allowed us to repost his thoughts. Make sure to pray after you read. 

The crumbling of Europa

Is Paris burning? The flames are not visible to the naked eye, but they roar nevertheless in the realm of the spirit.

On Sunday January 15, 2017 more than seventy nations and organizations will gather in the ‘City of Lights’ (named because it was one of the first European cities to have gas-burning street lamps). There the nations will bang nails into a coffin that actually contains the disintegrating remains of what was once Christian Europe. The “Conférence pour la Paix au Proche-Orient” (Conference for Peace in the Near East) will bring together the Quartet (UN, USA, EU and Russia), the five Permanent Members of the UN Security Council (USA, Russia, UK, France and China), the G20, the rest of the European Union, Arab partners and assorted well-wishers.

Their goal (speaking from a biblical viewpoint) is to divide the Land of Israel. They phrase it differently – “to facilitate the establishment of a Palestinian state” smack dab in the middle of the Land promised by God to Jacob and his children.

The Conference is offering a carrot to the Palestinians (concrete economic measures and political support). A recalcitrant Jewish state will be threatened with a big stick (warlike measures which include international boycotts, sanctions and treatment as a pariah state).

“Let me make you an offer you can’t refuse!”

Like Mafia dons, Pierre Vimont (French Foreign Minister) and Jean-Marc Ayrault (Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development) called together a meeting of international senior diplomats in Paris on January 6, 2017.  The first draft of the conference’s summary communiqué was presented for feedback and tweaking before its world release on January 15 (;

The document outlines and declares the goals and strategies of the Conference

  1. Dividing the Land of Israel into two states, Israel and Palestine, as the only way to achieve peace

  2. Condemning all Jewish construction and settlement activity (including in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City) based on recent UN Security Resolution 2334

  3. Jewish building of homes across the Green Line is equated as being on par with terrorist violence

  4. Israelis are called upon to disavow their own official government if it rejects the division of the Land of Israel

  5. Israel’s government is called upon to stop building in all territory liberated by the IDF in June 1967’s Six-Day War

  6. The seventy nations do not accept the results of Israel’s June 1967 Six-Day War victory and insist that Israel withdraw from all territory liberated by the IDF

If Israel agrees to these points, they could also possibly expect “the potential for security, stability and prosperity…in the areas of economic incentives.”

The rest of the news

On Monday January 9, 2017 (three days after the release of the draft communiqué) the ‘rest of the news’ came out. Twelve French Ambassadors issued a public letter (similar to another letter they issued on March 2, 2016) – a Cosa Nostra-type threat spelling out the legal warfare (‘lawfare’) which will be directed against Israel if it refuses to sign on the dotted line (only in French –;

Here are Israel’s faults, according to the letter:

  1. Israeli construction is simply colonialization and it must be immediately stopped

  2. Israel is an apartheid state

  3. Israel has no right to the Land based on ‘religious messianism’ (Scripture-based religious convictions)

  4. Israel has too much and disproportionate military strength

Here are the ambassadors’ reasons to apply immediate pressure on Israel:

  1. Arab public opinion resents the Western world which they accuse of complicity with Israel

  2. Israel’s refusal to attend the Paris conference shows the necessity for international pressure on Israel

  3. A Palestinian state cannot arise without international pressure on Israel

  4. President-Elect Trump’s accession on January 20 2017 will make the possibility of a Palestinian state disappear for years to come

Here are the benefits for France and Europe:

  1. France must step forward in honor and in service of peace, liberty and the rights of man to create a new dynamic whose political and moral significance is incontestable

  2. France and the European Union need to move into engagement quickly before it is too late (cut-off date January 20, 2017)

  3. Forcing Israel to withdraw is to repair a historical injustice. There must be an immediate end of Israel’s June 1967 occupation

Here are the necessary steps against Israel which (the ambassadors advocate) should be taken:

  1. The immediate recognition of a Palestinian state (a concerted declaration with UK, Spain, Italy and Greece)

  2. The immediate suspension of association agreements between the European Union and Israel

  3. The immediate end of economic, scientific and academic cooperation between the EU and Israel

  4. The immediate labelling and potential boycotting of all products coming from Jerusalem (Jewish Quarter, South, North and East areas), Ma’ale Adumim, Ariel, Jordan Valley, Golan, etc. (this last point is already well under way)

The twelve French ambassadors who signed this public letter have floated a trial balloon, letting those who are listening understand where things are headed as of January 15, 2017. They warn Israel at the conclusion of the letter that the Jewish state is in a perilous and vulnerable situation if it does not cave in to these pressures immediately. Their language puts the lie to the Conference’s bland declaration that the nature of its communiqué “is not intended to impose terms” on Israel.

The PLO/PA Ambassador to France Salman al-Harfi stated that this “initiative will move forward regardless of Jerusalem’s opposition.” Hamas and Islamic Jihad (who control the Gaza Strip and threaten the PLO’s control of the West Bank in many areas) totally reject the Conference’s position of even talking with Israel and of offering it anything at all.

Getting into the express line

Whereas French cuisine is known for its high quality and unrushed service, this conference definitely looks much more like an American fast-food hamburger joint. If France can get this declaration approved by the EU and the Quartet (before Trump takes office on January 20), then it can be brought to a UN Security Council debate on the Israel-Palestine issue scheduled for January 17, 2017. If the US abstains once again, this would hopefully (for France and its partners) create a snowball effect leading toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

One of the goals here is to create international political momentum which would block any new American initiatives or re-evaluations regarding the Middle East and Israel.

Crocodile tears and kisses

The communiqué declares that all 70 countries or organizations are warmly supportive of Israel’s destiny, that Israel will be the primary beneficiary of having a Palestinian state as its neighbor, and that France is Israel’s friend. Such ‘loving declarations’ have been made in times past to other Middle Eastern nations (like the Free Syrian Army, Mubarak’s Egypt, Lebanon’s Christians, Iran’s and Turkey’s democratic forces). There truly is a credibility gap here between European avowals of love and the harsh reality of Islamist terror.

The ambassadorial letter weeps that Israel must be saved from itself, since its ‘apartheid’ policies will cause the Jewish state to lose its soul.  Just a few lines before that the twelve diplomats challenge Europe, saying that if the EU can unite to oppose Islamic State, they can certainly band together to foil the Jewish state.

The fire of God’s jealousy

As God is watching over His chosen people and bringing them home to their Promised Land, seventy nations are about to go on record as opposing the restoration of the Jewish people to the land of Israel and to the city of Jerusalem. These machinations arouse the burning zeal of the God of Jacob, whose fire is in Zion, and whose furnace is in Jerusalem (Isaiah 31:9).]

“Therefore thus says YHVH God, ‘Surely in the fire of My jealousy I have spoken against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, who appropriated My land for themselves as a possession with wholehearted joy and with scorn of soul’” (Ezekiel 36:5). “For behold, in those days and at that time when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance Israel whom they have scattered among the nations and they have divided up My land” (Joel 3:1-2).

Step-by-step Islamist agenda

Bat Ye’or (a pseudonym) is a world-renowned French scholar of Islamic history and its relationship with Jews and Christians. Her book “Eurabia: the Euro-Arab axis” charts how Islamic strategies have focused for decades on turning Europe into a Shari’a-friendly puppet which will push for Islamist policies against the Jewish state. Her recent article ( may help the reader to grasp other aspects currently transpiring here.

As well, world-class scholar on Islam and the Middle East Dr. Daniel Pipes offers helpful suggestions in his recent article “The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat” (

How should we then pray?

• Pray for God to speak to the leaders of the nations gathered in Paris and reveal His heart to them 

• Pray for God to protect His Jewish people form the evil plans of evil men and evil nations 

• Pray for a spirit of identificational repentance to sweep through French believers as they intercede for their nation 

• Pray for the protection, strengthening, revelation and salvation of the Jewish people, and that they may lean on Him who can keep them from all evil and all destruction

Your prayers and support hold up our arms and are the very practical enablement of God to us in the work He has called us to do.

In Messiah Yeshua,

Avner Boskey

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