[Shocking Video] Palestinian Children Scream at Jews, “Allah Hu Akbar”
From the YouTube Page
“On the morning of June 25, 2014, some forty Jews ascended the Temple Mount to be seen by G-d and pray on behalf of the three Jewish teenagers who were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists two weeks ago. Hundreds of Muslim men and women and a Hamas organized summer camp for Muslim children greeted the Jews with thunderous jeers and curses, waving their shoes and holding up their newly minted obscenity: a three-finger “victory” sign, signifying their gloating pride in the kidnapping of the three Jewish boys. For more than one hour the Muslim mob followed and lunged at the Jewish worshipers. This video shows a few brief examples of the twisted Muslim culture of hatred in which Muslim children are indoctrinated, and which passes for the “status quo” on the Temple Mount.”