Elana joined Jewish Voice Recently on Mercy Mission to Ethiopia

Children often drink polluted water.
God has called the nations to bless Israel, but as an Israeli, who am I to bless? The answer is in Isaiah 49, where Israel is called to be a “light for the nations.” For many years now, I have been taking short trips to Ethiopia for medical missions. Recently, I traveled to Wiliso, Ethiopia with an amazing team from Jewish Voice Ministries. Some of these simple procedures, that people take for granted in the West, can save a life in Ethiopia.
Now, I am no doctor, and you won’t find me in the medical tent performing surgery (although I did hold the hand of an Ethiopian woman as she gave birth on this last trip.) My passion is the children. Often, the families travel for miles to get there and the kids are left outside.
Poisoned by Drinking Water
Drinking contaminated water causes much of the sickness and disease, not only in Ethiopia but all over Africa. We gather the children and their parents to teach them about the dangers of drinking unfiltered water. You have to understand that when a child is thirsty and he sees a puddle of water, he will drink it.
We handed out a product called LifeStraw. It is a portable water purification system, that even a child can use. We demonstrated exactly how to use it. The LifeStraw is super light—and you can wear it around your neck. Each one lasts for a year or more. Who knows how many lives will be saved because of this simple invention.
Always Hard to Leave

Elana participates in delivery!
As the bus was pulling out, my heart was hurting for the precious kids. I was overjoyed to look out the window and see some of these children drinking, right out of a puddle, with their new LifeStraw!
I can’t wait to go back! It is through your gifts to Messiah’s Mandate that I can make these trips, so in essence, you just saved the lives of children in Ethiopia!