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Writer's picture: Ron CantorRon Cantor

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Raleigh Washington’s ministry to Israel is not within Promise Keepers and called

Yechiel Eckstien leads the Fellowship of Christian and Jews, and many believers assume that he is a Messianic Jew, because he raises funds mainly from believers. However he is an orthodox Jewish rabbi—not a Messiah Jew.

Show Outline

1. There are Ruth(s), those that God calls to fully connect to the Messianic movement. Don Finto is a good example of this. Also Raliegh Washington of Promise keepers.

2. There are Cyrus(s), the rest of the Body who, while not joining the Messianic movement, bless Israel, pray for Israel and honor the Jewish people. John Hagee, Robert Stearns, Robert Morris would be good examples of this.

(I am aware that Hagee published a book in which it appeared he was saying that Jews do not need Yeshua for Salvation. I do believe he recanted [If anyone has info on that, use the comments sections, thanks] I could not disagree more with such a theology, but in terms of favoring and blessing the nation of Israel, he has been in the forefront.)

3. In all cases, Gentiles should be proud (in a godly way) and take delight in their own heritage. Gentiles who think less of themselves because they are not Jewish are missing God’s heart for the nations. He called Israel first and foremost to be a light to the nations—a priestly nation to intercede for the other nations.

Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine,  you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. (Ex 19:5-6) It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth. (Is 49:6)

4. I am not big fan of Gentiles abusing Jewish symbols in the church. Most of the time it is innocent, but still, it causes confusion. For instance, when I see a women in a church with a Tallit I get concerned. In Judaism only men who have been bar mitzvah’d can wear a tallit. We have to be careful that in our desire to honor Israel that we don’t do the opposite.

5. Lastly, every born again believer has a debt of love to the Jewish people, whether a Cyrus or a Ruth. Without the Jews, you have no OT, no NT, no Messiah, No salvation. It was the Jews who prayed in the first coming of Messiah. There were hundreds like Simeon and Anna who over the centuries interceded. It was the Jews that brought revival to Jerusalem and then preached to the gentiles. Now God is seeking use the Church as a vehicle of intercession for Israel. So in return, seeing as the older brother, Israel, is by and large, lost, the Church should:

a. Pray for revival and protection for Israel.

b. Give to ministries reaching Jewish people and providing humanitarian aid

c. Reach out in love to Jewish friends and neighbors in a practical way.

d. Speak out against anti-Israel and anti Semitic lies

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