Orthodox Jews Protest, Believers Respond with Worship
Last night the FIRM conference began in Jerusalem. Even though it was not an outreach event, but a gathering of believers, there was about a dozen Orthodox Jewish protestors, While they were not violent, they were very vocal. To be clear, the majority of Orthodox Jews in Israel do not act this way. I have had many wonderful connections with Orthodox Israelis over the years. But they were young and indoctrinated and probably sent by someone.
They became extremely aggressive and the police were called. However, because the area just outside the meeting hall is public, there was not much they could do. I was shocked at how they yelled at the police. It breaks my heart that someone has trained them act with such disrespect.
Finally, as they were becoming louder and louder, one of the leaders of the conference brought out a speaker and plugged in his iPhone. Suddenly praise music in Hebrew began to drown them out. The believers began to dance and worship, as the presence of God was obvious…and the young protestors left one by one.
Personally, I am not interested in a contest to see who wins a debate or a shouting match. My heart longs to see their zeal for the Law turn into a zeal for God and His Messiah. As I left they spotted me outside—just a few of them—and shouted at me, “Missionary! Missionary!” I responded in Hebrew, “I love and you bless you,” and continued on my way.
Take some time now and pray for these young men to have dreams and visions about Yeshua, their Messiah! Thanks!