We have a wonderful brother on our Shelanu board who is the Director of “El-Hayat,” a media production company that produces evangelistic content, just like we do at Shelanu TV, but for the Arab-speaking world. Their studios are located not too far from Helsinki, and they invited our station manager, Evan Santoro, and team to come and use their facilities at no cost to film Hebrew content for the Shelanu social media platforms. They were able to produce in three days content that would have taken us months in Israel. It was an amazing week!
I will let Evan tell you about it:
It has truly been a picture of the One New Man: ex-Muslims who are now filled with the Holy Spirit working with believing Jews from Israel and all in a studio owned and operated by Gentile believers.
When many of our home countries are fighting and hating one another, here we are working, praying, and fellowshipping together. There was such a spirit of oneness and love between us- what a testimony of His kingdom! Truly, when God comes into our lives, He changes us from the inside out. He joins our spirit as one as He prepares His Bride for His imminent return. It has been such a special experience on so many levels and we are so looking forward to the spiritual fruit that these latest programs will produce.
And here are a couple of testimonies from the last month of how Shelanu TV is impacting ALL of Israel—Jews and Arabs.
A young man reached out to us on ShelanuTV's social media with an interesting question: "If only those who know Yeshua are saved, what happens to everyone else in the world who has never heard of Yeshua? What about places where the gospel has never reached?" We responded to him using the Scriptures, and we had a really good discussion. He mentioned that he had previously been in contact with a believer from Netanya, trying to get answers to these questions but wasn’t satisfied. He said he would update that person with the answers we provided.
It’s amazing how, through questions, answers, and discussions like these, he started to open up about his own journey. He shared that he doesn’t really know where he stands. He attended a Baptist school, became an ultra-Orthodox Jew after his military service, and now he’s revisiting the New Testament, at least intellectually, and realizes that the logic of faith and truth is found in the New Testament. He’s searching for answers. Of course, we continue to have conversations and discussions with him. Let’s pray that he continues to draw closer to faith, closer to Yeshua, all thanks to the content on ShelanuTV and the chats that allow curious people to reach out and connect with us.
Last February, during the height of the war, when sirens were sounding in both the south and north, the atmosphere in the country was incredibly tense. There was a lot of hatred between Jews and Arabs. In the midst of this, a Christian Arab woman reached out to us. She saw ShelanuTV as a place of unity where our shared faith could be a bridge for reconciliation. She had watched many of our videos and actively engaged with our content on Facebook, leaving beautiful comments on the posts. She wrote to us expressing her hope to see more patience and understanding between Christians and Jews in Israel. She identifies as a Christian and speaks about the need to shed the "old self" and embrace the transformation that Yeshua brings.
We responded by telling her that what humans cannot achieve, God can. This message was especially encouraging for me (Moti). At that time, I was serving in the IDF reserves, responding to her from the field. It was heartening to see such a response on our channel—a Christian Arab viewing us, Messianic Jews, and our channel as a source of hope, unity, and peace, capable of bringing change during such a difficult time and hope for something much better.
Shelanu TV continues to spread the Good News in the Hebrew language. We continue to plant and water the seeds until the harvest is ready to be reaped.
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