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John Kerry to the Rescue

John Kerry is meddling in the Middle East. He was secretary of state, during the creation of ISIS. The Trump administration has defeated ISIS as a state. But still, Kerry feels the need to involve himself in Middle East politics.

He reportedly ( sent word to President Abbas (the leader of the Palestinians Authority) to encourage him. Just so you know, Abbas replaced Arafat—the father of modern terrorism. Abbas turned down a sweetheart peace deal in 2008. He celebrates when suicide bombers kill Israelis and names streets, squares and schools after terrorists. And Kerry felt the need to lift up his spirits.

Cursing President Trump

Since President Trump recognized Jerusalem (as the capital of Israel), Abbas has been in full-on rage mode, declaring in public that he doesn’t need America or her money (the next day, Trump took 65 million dollars in aid off the table) and is spewing out the wildest conspiracy theories. Of Trump, he said, “May your house be demolished,” the most venomous curse in Arab culture. The 82-year-old leader is fuming mad.

But Kerry, a failed diplomat, is encouraging the alleged Holocaust denier, through a confidant, telling him to:

  1. “Hold on and be strong.”

  2. “Don’t give into Trump. He will not be in office for more than another year.

  3. Put your own peace plan together.

Yes, an American politician is telling a terrorist supporter to stay strong. And there is little chance that Abbas will present his peace plan, because war is better for him. The Palestinian leadership has never shown a real desire for a state of their own, alongside Jewish Israel.

President Kerry?

It is also being reported that Kerry told the confidant to tell Abbas that he is considering running against Trump in 2020. In other words, whereas Trump has shown to be the pro-Israel, pro-democracy president, Kerry would take up the cause of the Palestinians, who continue to incite violence, persecute journalists and take no meaningful steps against terrorism—and let’s not forget, are in a political partnership with Hamas. Kerry has made it clear. He doesn’t like Israel.

On the last weeks of the Obama administration, with nothing to gain diplomatically, Kerry unleashed a harsh rebuke against Israel in a December 2016 speech. This was just after the U.S. backed U.N. vote condemning Israeli cities in ancient Judea and Samaria. It was a reckless, angry parting shot. When the Obama administration should have been helping to build the only successful democracy in the Middle East, they were condemning her. A “president Kerry” would be bad for Israel, and thus, bad for the U.S. (Gen. 12:3). Trump responded to Kerry’s hand grenade of a speech in a way that only he can—on twitter.

We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but……. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 28, 2016

not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 28, 2016

Tolerating Temper Tantrums

This should come as no surprise. For years, the West tolerates the murderous actions of the Palestinian Authority, much like a parent tolerates a rebellious child that they become tired of confronting. They simply give in. This was true of both Bushes, Clinton and definitely Obama. It is not a left or right issue; it is how the Muslim world manipulates the West.

Trump made some demands from Palestinian Authority:

  1. Stop inciting people to violence.

  2. Stop paying the families of terrorists (more than $350 million in 2017).

  3. Stop glorifying terrorism by naming streets, square and schools after them.

But they have been trained to ignore such demands, because no one will hold them accountable. President Trump, apparently, did not know this unwritten rule. In May, instead of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, he decided to restart the peace process. That is when he made the demands of the Palestinians. He really gave them a chance. But they completely ignored him and continued to promote terror, assuming there would be no consequences.

Didn’t Take Long for Trump to Understand the Situation

When President Trump realized that they were ignoring his very reasonable demands, he took it as a personal insult. He also realized that they have no interest in compromising for peace. It was at that time that he recognized it was more important to strengthen ties with Israel, and he decided to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Abbas reacted badly. He is not used to being held to account. In fact, he is acting out in a very destructive way. He is no longer interested in America being a broker for peace, and has turned to Europe where he was rebuffed.

“There isn’t a single European country or other country we’ve spoken to since the December 6 announcement that in any way, shape or form believes a US-led process could be replaced,” a White House official told reporters during a briefing Tuesday. “They all want to work with the US, despite the Palestinian reaction.” (

And yesterday President Trump made it clear, as world aid organizations were saying the U.S. halting aid to the Palestinians would cause a human catastrophe, that if they want the aid, they must negotiate peace.

“They disrespected us a week ago by not allowing our great vice president to see them, and we give them hundreds of millions of dollars in aid and support — tremendous numbers, numbers that nobody understands. That money is on the table. That money is not going to them unless they sit down and negotiate peace… I can tell you that Israel does want to make peace. And they’re going to have to want to make peace too, or we’re going to have nothing to do with it any longer. This was never brought up by other negotiators, but it’s brought up by me.”

But, at the end of the day, Abbas has never been willing to make compromises and Nikki Haley, the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., confronted them on this point yesterday.

“We will not chase after a Palestinian leadership that lacks what is needed to achieve peace. He rejected any American role in peace talks. He insulted the American president. He called for suspending recognition of Israel. Hate-filled speeches and end-runs around negotiations take us nowhere,” referring to Abbas wild hate speech of last week. “Peace will not be achieved without leaders with courage. Real peace requires leaders who are willing to step forward, acknowledge hard truths, and make compromises. The United States remains fully prepared and eager to pursue peace.”

It feels so good to have a U.S. administration, which understands the real situation here in Israel, dealing with terrorists who have no intention on keeping the promises they make. President Trump may well be the most Israel-friendly president ever!

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