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Iceland sending anti-Israel band to Eurovision in Tel Aviv

Writer's picture: Ron CantorRon Cantor

Photo Credit: Magnus Andersen

A frightening and controversial band from Iceland that is harshly critical of Israel — and has “challenged” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a wrestling match — will be representing its country in the Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv this May.

Hatari, a punk band, said in an interview last month it plans to use its Eurovision platform to criticize Israel. They dress in demonic outfits that resemble sadomasochism.

“It is really absurd to allow a state that repeatedly violates human rights to participate in such a competition, whether the state is called Israel, Russia, Qatar or anything else,” the band said. “If Iceland’s contestant does not use their influence to point out the obvious, the absurdity of frolicking and dancing at the same time as millions live just a few miles away with reduced freedom and constant uncertainty about their own wellbeing and safety, then we have failed.”

But the European Broadcasting Union does not allow “lyrics, speeches, gestures of a political, commercial or similar nature” on the Eurovision stage. The BDSM (bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism) band, which plans to sing a song entitled “Hatrio Mun Sigra” (Hate Will Prevail), could be disqualified from the contest if it gets too political.

Last month, the group challenged Netanyahu to a traditional Icelandic wresting match, featuring a “neutral UN-sponsored referee.”

Maybe while they are here they can protest the 100,000 rockets that Hamas has launched against Israel, or the fact they they use women and children as human shields, or that they launch their missiles often from schools and hospitals. Maybe they’ll protest the law in the Palestinian Authority that says an Arab selling land to a Jew will suffer the death penalty. Or, maybe they might want to say something about the PA paying terrorists and their families millions of dollars—dollars that come from the UN, the EU and the US. I’m just say’in.

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