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GOP Senators Promote Bill to move US Embassy to Jerusalem

Writer's picture: Ron CantorRon Cantor

Three Republican senators have brought forth legislation to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s official capital and move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to the Holy City. This move will likely face resistance both from the Arab world and the United Nations.

Let me share a little history. Israel is the only nation in the world in which no country has an embassy in the capital. Instead, they are in Tel Aviv.

For 3,018 Years, Jewish Capital

But Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel since Joab crawled up the water shaft and defeated the Jebusites three thousand years ago. It has never been the capital of any Palestinian state or any other Arab state. Under the Ottoman Empire, it was completely ignored. Only since the Jews began to restore their homeland did Jerusalem suddenly become sacred to Islam.

In 1995, the US congress passed a bill, 93-5 that would require America to move the embassy. But Bill Clinton would not implement it. Neither did George Bush or Barack Obama. Not one of them had the courage to face the Arab backlash. So there is presently a fully functioning, state of the art embassy in Jerusalem, which is not being used as such. But now there is hope. Incoming President Donald Trump has pledged several times during his campaign that he would most definitely move the embassy to Jerusalem.

Why not make the move?

Well, the only the reason is that it would upset the Arab nations. So what? What doesn’t upset the Islamists? I shared with you yesterday how a mild-mannered professor was accosted by Islamic guards on the Temple Mount and taken to the police for simply saying the words “Temple Mount” while he was on the Temple Mount! They wanted him to call it by its Arabic name, Haram al-Sharif—the noble sanctuary.

Emotional Islam

Yes, there is moderate Islam, and there is political Islam. But there is also overly sensitive, emotional Islam.  As western nations, we can’t make every decision based on how Islamists might react to it and more than a parent is dictated by the tantrums of a child (I am not saying the west is parent to Islamic). Just because they scream and yell doesn’t mean we must give in. It is not like the policy of “appeasement” is working, as they continue to murder, rape and pillage across the Middle East and into Europe.

Acts that Bring Blessing

As for moving the embassy, this will, no doubt, bring the blessing of God on America. For the past eight years the US president has shunned Israel at every turn, culminating last week when they allowed the United Nations to condemn Israel for building neighborhoods in her ancient homeland—as if that is a greater threat to peace than ISIS! And that was followed up by an angry anti-Israel speech from Secretary of State John Kerry.

Senator Cruz said in a statement:

“Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided capital of Israel. Unfortunately, the Obama administration’s vendetta against the Jewish state has been so vicious that to even utter this simple truth – let alone the reality that Jerusalem is the appropriate venue for the American embassy in Israel – is shocking in some circles.” He also said, “But it is finally time to cut through the double-speak and broken promises, and do what Congress said we should do in 1995: formally move our embassy to the capital of our great ally Israel.”

God said to Abraham, and it is still true today, “I will bless those who bless you and those who curse you, I will curse” (Gen. 12:3). That promise was in God’s first recorded conversation with Abraham and it is still true today. If the United States government has the courage to move the embassy to Israel’s capital, it will no doubt release God’s favor on the US.

What do you think? Should the U.S. move the embassy to Jerusalem? Let us know in the comments. 

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