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Day 90 —Screams without Words

Acts of rape happened on October 7, 2023, on a large scale. There is a massive amount of evidence, though much of it was lost, testifying to crimes against humanity perpetrated by Hamas members.


The New York Times published a thorough investigation, proving that both GIRLS (as young as 13!) and women were raped, mutilated, and murdered by gleefully drugged-up terrorists on October 7. They were on the preferred drug of Jihadists, the highly addictive Captagon. “Imagine a pill that promises superhero-like focus, unbounded energy, and an unshakeable sense of euphoria…It is believed to provide combatants with invincibility, endurance, and reduced fear."

In this video, I read the entire NY Times article. Here is the link to the article if you would prefer to read it.


Warning! It is graphic and tragic. Please share! This is a war for truth.


Millions of people around the world are convinced that October 7 was merely an oppressed people resisting occupation—no one was raped. I have people sharing this on my Facebook and Instagram every day. In truth, it was one talon of Iran lashing out in its psychopathic desire to see Islam rule the world.


You fight a war for truth with words. Please share these words... 

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Shalom from Israel! I am Ron Cantor and this is my blog. I serve as the President of Shelanu TV.

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