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Shelanu TV

Why didn’t I Name Names?

Writer's picture: Ron CantorRon Cantor

The response to my blog earlier this week has been encouraging. Truthfully I suspected it would strike a chord inside of those who are tired of listening to wealthy preachers make false promises of blessing and prosperity, during what appears to be nothing more than a religious infomercial. Both on my personal blog and the Maoz blog, we have received a tremendous response. Also on both Charisma’s news and their magazine sites, thousands have read it. I got a call from a Detroit radio station yesterday asking to interview me.

This morning I even received an email from a well known Television minister, thanking me for challenging him! Clearly people are weary of this type of ministry.

But many people asked, “Why not name names?” Excellent points were made:

1.     There was concern that good ministries might be blamed for the deeds of those with less integrity, if folks didn’t know to whom I was referring.

2.     Others felt that people needed to know who these people were, to warn others to stay away from them.

3.     Some quoted Scripture where Paul publically called people out.

So why didn’t I?

I have never spoken to the people about their error, and while their sin is public, until I have a chance to communicate with them directly and give them the opportunity repent or defend their position, I don’t feel that it is biblically ethical for me to name them.

However, my good friend and colleague, Dr. Michael Brown, whom I had asked to look over my blog for theological accuracy before I posted it, interviewed me yesterday about this on his nationwide radio show, the Line of Fire. Dr. Brown, who has a Ph.D. in ancient Semitic languages (i.e. Hebrew, Aramaic) has, in fact, reached out to these individuals to give them a chance to defend their Day of Atonement 7-Fold Blessing theology on his show.

If they will not appear or respond, then we will name names, as we will have given them a chance to respond. If they do come forward for public examination of their doctrine, then you will also know who they are. So either way, very shortly, it will be clear who they are.

I have heard stories of some of these million dollar pastors threatening critics with slander lawsuits. While I have no fear of such things—a lawsuit would only further expose them—the Bible gives us a clear outline. Let’s follow it. Who knows, maybe they will repent, and then be truly qualified to teach on the Day of Atonement. Repentance, not “Double Portion, 7-Fold Blessings,” is the theme of this great day.

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