Yesterday, knowing that no matter what I wrote, some would misinterpret my blog as an endorsement of Hillary Clinton, I expressed concern over the enthusiastic excitement over a non-repentant serial adulterer. I wondered how we could have been so condemning of Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair and wink at Donald Trump’s escapades with married women. Only a few actually answered the question, and that is because this issue is deeply emotional. Some lashed out at me, other’s praised the blog. I bless everyone who commented and take no comments personally!
Some defended Trump as having a changed heart. Some said he was the lesser of two evils. More than one said, when you have two evils, you choose none. And others asked why I don’t write a blog about Hillary Clinton. One reason is that very few HRC fans read my blog. But, here we go…
So there is no confusion, here is my blog about Hillary Clinton. To be clear, I have spoken often about her crimes and lack of qualifications to be president.
Newt Gingrich was correct in saying yesterday, “[Hillary] lies about lying and now she lies about having lied about lying.”
She lied to the American people when she said that there was no classified documents on her server or that she never sent or received them.
She lied to us when she said she used one device, as the FBI said she used multiple devices.
She lied when she told us that she did it out of convenience, not wanting to carry two devices (most people realize that you can have 100 email addresses and still just one device) when it is clear that she did it to have secret communications.
She said work-related emails were returned to the State Department, but apparently admitted to the FBI that that was not true.
She lied to the families of the four victims in Benghazi, saying that it was a protest connected to a video, when she knew it was a terrorist attack.
Her Treatment of Women
Secretary Clinton claims to fight for women, when in fact she attacks the reputation of the women with whom her husband has had affairs—such as Juanita Broderick who accused Bill of raping her or Paula Jones, before whom he exposed himself. Mrs. Clinton, who said every victim of sexual abuse needs to be “heard and believed,” called Monica Lewinsky, “narcissistic loony toon”. When his longtime affair with Gennifer Flowers came out, she attacked Ms. Flowers and called her ‘trailer trash’.
After the Gennifer Flowers story came out during her husband’s ’92 presidential run, her response, according to Carl Bernstein, was to throw herself into efforts to discredit Flowers and to try to persuade horrified campaign aides to bring out rumors that Poppy Bush had not always been faithful to Barbara. (source)
Yes, she looked to spread rumors about a man who genuinely loves his wife.
Mrs. Clinton took an active role in seeking sworn statements from those who had accused Bill of sexual harassment or of having an affair with him, before his 1992 race for the presidency.
During Clinton’s campaigns, Hillary Clinton ran her own “war room” against the so-called “Bimbo Eruptions” … The name given to the endless list of women who were harassed, assaulted, and even raped by Bill Clinton. Hillary’s job was to discredit, smear, and ruin the lives of these women who happened to speak out about her husband’s shameful treatment of women. (source)
And now we hear that in one of her first cases as a lawyer, she got a rapist off and accused the 12-year-old victim of making up stories.
Her Time as Secretary of State
And then there is her competence. When she became the most powerful diplomat in the world, as secretary of state, she had an opportunity to prove herself worthy of the presidency. The world looked very different just eight years ago. Since then hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Yemen, Libya and other counties.
Since she took office:
There has been a civil war in Syria whereby 300,000 people have been killed and more than ten million have become homeless refugees.
ISIS was formed when the US troops left Iraq in 2011 during her tenure.
She naively brought her counterpart in Russia actual button that said in Russian and English ‘reset’. Since then, Russia has attacked Ukraine and taken
Hillary Clinton gives the Russian Foreign Minster a “Reset Button”
Crimea and is now seeking an alliance with Turkey. Russia went into Syria to support their client and our enemy, the Butcher Bashar Assad. Just today Russia announced that it will have fighter jets in Iran. This new alliance Russia/Iran/Syria/Turkey/Yemen is all but Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39)
In Benghazi, we helped Libya defeat their own dictator at Hillary’s insistence and now ISIS is all over Libya. We failed to protect our ambassador and three others who were murdered, and then Hillary and her team lied about it for more than a week, blaming it on a video. She has all but called Patrica Smith, whose son died in the attack, a liar. Obama calls Libya his biggest failure and it was the brainchild of Mrs. Clinton.
All the while she continued to attack Prime Minister Netanyahu, ‘a friend’, once dressing him down in 2010 after a Biden visit to Jerusalem and described herself as the ‘designated yeller’ at the Prime Minister.
She was the cheerleader for anti-Mubarak forces in Egypt, and stood by and watched as the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic terrorist organization won the election. When General El Sisi saw that the MB was Islamo-fying the nation, he stepped in. Her boss, Barack Obama—to this day—resists El Sisi.
And of course we cannot forget that Hillary got the ball rolling with Iran.
Okay…pretty clear, right? Hillary will be a horrible president! Ron is no fan!
Creating Trump in a New Image
Having said that, I have no problem with people voting for Trump as the alternative. But don’t be deceived. Trump is no angel. He has been ruthless over the years. As I said yesterday, he has brags about his sin. He has little self-control. He gets easily offended and jumps on Twitter in the middle of the night, giving ammunition to his enemies. His mouth routinely gets him in trouble and though aides and reportedly family members have begged him to tone it down, he loves the roar of the crowd and just can’t help himself. Whether he is asking the Russians to find Hillary’s emails or suggesting that the wife of the fallen solider was quiet because she is a Muslim or that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and you will still support him, he feeds his opponents with fresh content.
Indeed, I agree with his policies far more than with Hillary’s. And if he can stay on message, like he did yesterday in his speech on foreign affairs, he may recover in the polls. But it seems to me that many have recreated Donald Trump into the image of who they desire him to be—not who he really is.
They don’t see him as a adulterer, but a family man.
They don’t seem him as a ruthless bully, willing to crush anyone who gets in his way; he is a shrewd businessman.
They are not bothered that he recently said that he doesn’t ask God for forgiveness or that his favorite verse is ‘an eye for an eye’ (A verse that Yeshua seemingly updated to ‘turn the other cheek’ [see Matt 5:38-42]), they see him a brand new believer—based on no evidence whatsoever, other than the word of a disgraced televangelist/prosperity preacher.
At the end of the day, I certainly prefer Trump over Hillary, but I would never leave him (or Bill Clinton for that matter) alone in a room with any of my daughters.