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What (I felt) God told me about the Election in September

Writer's picture: Ron CantorRon Cantor

NOTE: Dear friends, I know emotions are raw. The last thing I want to do is cause more pain. I did my best to write this in humility and not come across gloating—I certainly am not a fan of Joe Biden! If you disagree with me, I understand…let’s walk in peace and speak the truth in love. 🙂


>> In early September I had an unexpected experience, whereby I sensed the Spirit of God clearly tell me that Joe Biden would win the election. I wasn’t praying or asking God who would win—it was completely unexpected.

>> I heard: it is because of the Church’s idolizing of President Trump. (Not everyone in the body, but enough that God was upset.)

>> He said that this was not His original plan; He had intended Pres. Trump to serve four more year. But his will was that Christian (leaders) would provoke President trump to become more like Jesus, but instead they had become more like Trump (I could give many examples.). And many believers over the past four years have imitated his brash, mean-spirited behavior on social media. (Just look at the comments below for evidence!)

>> We have mingled political zeal with the Gospel, which has led us to an unholy concoction and deception, a message about issues lacking focus on the call to salvation—the central message of the New Testament.

>> This mixture has led to a plethora of, what appears to be, as of now, false prophecies regarding the election.

>> I immediately shared this on September 9th with Dr. Michael Brown, a trusted friend and mentor. I also shared this—before the election—with around 20 people, mostly leaders whom I respect, including Dr. Mark Chironna and Ward Simpson, as well as my own leadership team, to whom I am submitted.

>> I felt the Lord strongly visit me again early on election day, as I was questioning Him on the issue—”Did you really speak to me?” and He confirmed to me, that indeed Biden would win—it was with crystal clarity, such as I have rarely experienced. In that moment, it was as if it was already done—a fact. It was as if I could see the headline and see him being inaugurated. Of course, this is my subjective experience, and Christian leaders can judge it.

(Let me again say, I am not a fan of Joe Biden. I didn’t vote for him and have never voted for a democrat…I am just submitting to you what I believe God said to me.)

>> I share it with you now in hopes that we can repent of the misplaced loyalty and idolatry in a person or “brand” and be healed, pushing forward the task of sharing the Gospel in every nation and restoring our bruised image in the eyes of those who need salvation. Many non-believers have been shocked at the blind loyalty that many (not all) evangelicals gave and are giving to Trump. I recently saw a large banner on the highway in Florida that read, “In TRUMP we trust.” That is blasphemous.

>> And I do understand that many were ‘reluctant Trump voters’ who do not idolize him, but voted for platform issues, such as pro-life and Israel. I am in that category.

>> I submit this to you for your discernment. I am certainly fallible. I am sure many will disagree, and I am okay with that. May the love of Yeshua unite us all.

>> Written in November >> If you still believe God said Trump would have a second term and you should contend for that in the Spirit, then do what you feel God has called you to do. The warnings I’m sharing here stand just the same: we have mixed the Gospel with politics in an unhealthy way and have put our trust in Trump in an idolatrous way. Even if a miracle happened and he was, in fact, reelected, which seems less likely with each passing hour, proving the other prophets true, the warning here remains the same.


This is a heavy word and I share it with, not only fear and trembling before the Lord, but with great love and respect for fellow leaders who were certain that Donald Trump would win a second term. I have wondered for two months why God spoke this to me (assuming that it was indeed the Spirit of God) and now I believe I know why. In addition to reasons I will state below, He wants you to know that His kingdom is not dependent on an election or any pollical leader. If the Gospel can prosper under communists (see China) or the Roman Empire in the time of the apostles, how much more under Joe Biden? God is not shaken. He is not surprised. He is not panicking.

The fact is, we are living in emotionally-charged, difficult times; times when the Gospel can be swallowed up by politics, times when we can lose our focus. We must get back to the message of the Gospel. We can make a positive, political impact, but preaching Jesus (Yeshua) must be central.

Let me also share a few other points:

  1. I am a registered Republican, pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-Capitalism, pro-traditional family values. I have never voted for a Democrat for any office in my life.

  2. I know that emotions are raw. My heart goes out to my friends who were sure Trump would win. I am not writing this to cause any more pain, and certainly not to mock, but hopefully to bring some sense of peace—God is Sovereign.

  3. Lastly, I have no joy in writing this. As a dual citizen of Israel and the U.S. I have grave concerns regarding a Biden administration. I am just sharing with you what I felt the Lord shared with me.

I didn’t share this prophetic word publicly, but I did share it with several leader friends of mine: Dr. Michael Brown, Dr. Mark Chironna, Dr. Dan Juster, Asher Intrater, Paul Wilbur, Eitan Shishkoff, Ward Simpson and his wife Lydia, my wife Elana and a few others, including Alistair Geddes, who was the director of my Bible School many years ago. I shared it with them in case I would need to share it publicly later. I have counseled heavily with Dr. Brown and Ward Simpson, president of GOD TV, in writing this.

The word

In early September I was driving to Jerusalem when I began to receive, what felt like, divinely inspired thoughts. A heaviness and sobriety entered the car and it just felt like God was speaking to me—as if he was putting thoughts in my mind. I did not feel the presence of God in the normal way that most of us do—a sense of joy—but I felt a seriousness enter the car. He told me who would win the election and it was not who I expected!

Biden will win the election. Trump was supposed to win again, but this is judgment on the church (1 Peter 4:17) because people of God were supposed to win Trump to Jesus, but instead, many (not all) replaced Jesus with Trump. Instead of Trump becoming more like the Messiah, we became more like Trump. We became ugly, abrasive, mean and vengeful. Many in the church have turned Donald Trump into an idol and God will not share His glory with any man.


The lines became very blurred between Trumpism and Jesus-ism. I wrote a chapter about this in my recent book Birth Pangs, but stopped short of sharing the prophetic word that I had received. I did not want to be accused of changing someone’s vote (becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy—not that I am that influential). I also did not feel that I had enough of a track record of accuracy in prophecy, to share such a consequential word.

In addition, many high-profile prophets had emphatically declared that Trump was going to win. On many occasions over the past two months, I asked the Lord how it could be that I heard this right and all these prophets, some with proven track records over many years, were wrong? I have no track record of prophetic predictions like this. It is not the way God has used me in the past. In addition, I could not find one prophet that was saying what I heard—that Joe Biden would win. Clearly, I must have mis-heard.

COVID-19 and the prophets

But, going back to COVID-19, it seemed that most of the trusted prophetic voices were off. (We devoted four chapters in Birth Pangs to exposing the problems in the prophetic movement.) So many said the plague would end in April—some said at Passover. Many said it would have little to no effect. One said God would protect America from Coronavirus because of President Trump’s policies and another prophesied in February, speaking for God, saying, “I am removing the threat of this.” It seemed like God was confusing these prophetic ministries (see Micaiah). Interestingly, not one that I know of has repented for false COVID-19 prophecies. Let me say it again, there were dozens of high profile false prophecies, I have not seen on of these men or women ask for forgiveness. (I have seen two try and justify their words.)

I have some thoughts as to why so many could have missed it so spectacularly, but I will save it for another blog. (Start here)

Others also Heard this Word

After the election, I also realized that more than likely, many others had heard this from the Lord, but like me, did not feel it was right to share it publicly. Just this morning, I received a message from a Dr Michael Brown, that a credible pastor friend shared with him something very similar to what I sensed. This is what he said:

“When I pray, I keep having it impressed on me. I don’t often invoke the prophetic, but I believe I have heard from heaven. Trump is done. After all the court fights, he will no longer be president. God has allowed his removal because of the idolatry of the church. God used Trump for four years, but like Gideon’s ephod, an idol was made of the tool [see Judges 8:27]. God will not share His glory, nor the affection of His bride.”

[Note: We published this blog on November 8th. I have since heard from high profile prophetic leaders and many others who did hear similar things.]

Leaders reveled in Trump’s Aggression

Jerry Falwell, Jr. is a perfect example of the problem. He was the first evangelical leader to embrace Trump and it turns out, he was far more like Trump, than Trump was like Jesus. Christian leaders who would have confronted Bill Clinton over his sin, made excuses for Trump’s behavior. That is just Trump being Trump. I heard a famous Christian leader publicly thank President Trump for his sacrifice of leaving his good life to serve America—as if President Trump doesn’t love every second of being president. Prophetic leaders confront sin in political leaders, like Nathan did David; false prophets pile on the flattery. (See the false prophet Zedekiah in 1 Kings 22:11-12)

Some Christian leaders even love his machismo and began to emulate it. This is not the Spirit of God. They acted like the Trump family was a model for America, when in fact, it a dysfunctional, broken clan, full of adultery and divorce—children from three different wives. Of course anyone can be forgiven, and I pray that they all find salvation in Jesus, and certainly God can use imperfect people, present company included, but what I’m talking about is holding up a broken family as an example of goodness, virtue and sacrifice to the nation.

False Healing

Many believers were intimidated by the world, but found their identity in Trump’s boldness. Some were ashamed when people mocked them for their faith or conservative values. They love Trump because he makes them feel good about being a conservative or Christian. His boldness and politically incorrect speech validated them, when in fact, we are supposed to get that sense of belonging from God Himself. Healing should come from our Father and His word, not a political leader. And this false healing led many believers to act just like their healer—rude, abrasive, unforgiving. But when you find your identity in Jesus, you become like Him—kind, loving, patient, etc.

Trump has become our golden calf that we bowed down to and said, “These are your gods, America, who brought you up out of Egypt.” We found a savior for America in Trump, when in fact, it is the message of Yeshua that is the “cure of all ills.” How do I know this is true? Believers are acting as if the world has ended, because Trump appears to have lost. But good news: Jesus is still king. He is still coming back. He still saves the lost and changes the hearts of men.

In Acts 12, Herod was killed for not giving glory to God. President Trump ran around America encouraging the chant, “We love you, We love Trump.” And then he marvels, feigning spontaneity, saying “they only liked Reagan, but they love Trump.” God could not have been pleased with this. And believers were largely silent or worse, joining in the chant.

On the appointed day Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people. They shouted, “This is the voice of a god, not of a man.” Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died. But the word of God continued to spread and flourish.

Uzziah was called by God, just as I believe Trump was four years ago. But Uzziah’s arrogance before the Lord led to his demise.

“But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God, and entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense.” (2 Chr. 26:16)

Voting for Trump in 2016 was not easy for me. After the Billy Bush video came out where Donald Trump said he could grab women in their private areas because he was a star, I really struggled. But on election day, without a doubt, and I wasn’t praying or asking, the Holy Spirit told me to vote for him and I did. (I wasn’t going to vote for Hillary, but I considered not voting at all.) And then, to most everyone’s shock, he won.

But we all hoped that as President, he would walk in a deeper humility. He had his moments, but for the most part he has been rude, abrasive, arrogant and has steamrolled anyone who has opposed him—Republican or Democrat. He seemed to only have one mode: Fight. When America needed a healer after George Floyd, he had no tools for that.

[Updated: Even right now. Instead of asking for patience to let the legal process play out in the courts, he is defiantly tweeting “I won this election” (Nov. 16th) and saying, “Then [the election], the greatest theft in the history of America. And ­everybody knows it.” (NYPost) The country is greatly divided right now, and he is doing nothing to bring healing. He is just throwing more gasoline on the fire. By not even cooperating with the Biden team (in case Biden is the next president) he is putting the country at risk in the midst of a deadly virus and terrorist threats.]

Uzziah became powerful and instead of humbling himself, he became proud. When the priests opposed him, he became incensed at them. “While he was raging at the priests in their presence before the incense altar in the Lord’s temple, leprosy broke out on his forehead.” (1 Chr. 26:19) When I think of President Trump fuming at defeat, I can’t help but think of Uzziah, raging at the priests. Trumps leprosy will be living with the humiliation of defeat—as he has stated, he hates to loose. Of course, if he humbles himself, God is always desiring to be gracious. God had greater plans for Uzziah, as well as for Trump—but at a certain point, character counts—at least, that is what we said about Bill Clinton after Monica Lewinsky.

From Tolerating to Celebrating

A few days after receiving this word, I saw this post:

“One of the most alarming differences between our evangelical family’s attitude toward Trump in 2016 and 2020 is that in 2016 we viewed him as an ‘evil’ with benefits.  In 2020, this man has become our chief arbiter of truth; the one who determines our evangelical family’s narrative for any given national issue or problem.“…Don’t believe this? Tell me something we evangelicals disagree with him about. Show me where and how we’ve communicated our disagreement. I believe this incremental drift over these last four years has become a real form of idolatry, and is one of the most destructive things that’s happened to American Biblical Christianity in my lifetime.” —Jonathan Boegl

This rings true.

We have confused victories on social issues with kingdom victories. I am not discounting activism. I was arrested many years ago for blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic and may have saved a life that day. But having seen revival—true New Testament visitation—up close, over many years during the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, I can tell you this is a different spirit altogether. It is political and demonic. It is flesh masquerading as spirit and it has turned many of God’s people from the fruit of the Holy Spirit to human anger. And the world has watched in astonishment! Unbelievers have been confounded how evangelicals could support such poor character.

By giving into this, many have forsaken a focus on Gospel preaching, calling people to repentance and salvation, for social issue preaching—often missing the heart of God. Political persuasion cannot produce a changed heart. Only the Gospel, by the power of the Holy Spirit, can produce such fruit.

But don’t be discouraged

If we repent and turn our focus back to heaven, I believe God will send a move of his Holy Spirit. I truly believe this and broke down in tears after writing the last sentence. God longs to be gracious to us. He wants to heal us. I feel this so strongly that my heart is bursting with gratefulness to the Almighty. God is for us. When He moves, such as in Acts, hearts change. Social ills are overcome. God send your Holy Spirit! Send Revival!

But sadly, many will fall away, as they exchange a conservative militancy for intimacy with Jesus. They will still think that they are religious, but they will have lost the presence of God. They will mistake political zeal and euphoria for the presence of Jesus.


After that encounter in early September I heard nothing from the Lord on this issue for two months. I wondered many times if I was nuts—just hearing my own thoughts. Why would God share this with me? How could all these prophetic voices be wrong? And then on election day, after filling out my ballot (for Trump!), Elana and I went into prayer. I can only say at that moment it became as clear as day, without any doubt, that Biden would win and it was God’s hand. It was as if I could see the headline: BIDEN WINS! I could see him on stage accepting the win (though it was not a vision.) It was punishment for sure—but humility and repentance would bring grace. It was as if God were sitting next to me sharing. I knew it as sure I knew the sky was blue, and I cannot explain it beyond that.

That evening as Trump mounted a comeback, when they started counting the same day votes, I assumed I was wrong. Clearly I had missed it. I was at peace. Certainly, I was humbled, having shared this with more than a dozen leaders I respect. And I would have to really do some internal inventory, because I had never been so sure of hearing God’s voice. But I thought, at least there might still be justice over the Russia collusion fiasco and maybe we will get more Supreme Court justices. I was happy to be wrong. Then I woke up the next morning and saw that everything had changed.

Someone told me, if I share this publicly, I might lose my ministry support. To be clear, I don’t want to lose my support. We depend on it to do ministry in Israel and pay our team. But at the end of the day, I have to be true to what I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to me. What’s the purpose of being a minister if I shy away from what I believe to be true—because of money?

All I ask is that you take this to prayer. Do we need to do an internal audit? Do we need to repent? Is there something amiss in the prophetic movement? You don’t have to receive this. It’s between you and God. But I felt it my responsibility to share it.

P.S. If for some reason, Trump prevails in the courts, I will be the first to repent for saying the Lord told me Biden would win. But I would still be convinced that the overall message I’m sharing here with you is true. God bless America.

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