For some reason, Israel’s English-speaking news station I24 wanted to hear about Messianic Judaism! So I told them.
When Shelanu (our 24-7 Hebrew-speaking gospel channel sharing the good news of Yeshua with Israelis) was still just an idea we were dreaming of, I got a call from an Israeli TV reporter wanting to interview me about Messianic Judaism.
You never know how interviews will go...or what the final piece will look like (especially when speaking about Messianic Judaism in Israel), but this interview on I24 turned out better than I could have imagined!
I got to share the GOSPEL on NATIONAL TELVISION in ISRAEL. And the viewers had opportunity to receive more information on Yeshua’s true roots and mission through my book Identity Theft (which you can get for free HERE).
Please pray that Israelis discover this interview again. They so desperately need hope and light in these dark times. Thank you for loving Israel and the Jewish people.