Yesterday President Obama spoke at American University amid pressure that Congress might not stand with him on his historic achievement with Iran. There, he lashed out in one of the pettiest, mean-spirited speeches I can ever remember a president giving. He compared Republicans who oppose his Iran deal to the supporters of Islamic terror (failing to mention that many Democrats oppose the deal).
And he said this:
“This deal is not just the best choice among alternatives, this is the strongest nonproliferation agreement ever negotiated.”
First, that is ludicrous! Secondly, it is quite arrogant …“ever negotiated.” I am sure Neville Chamberlain was just as convinced that his ‘historic’ peace deal with Adolf Hitler saved Europe. On September 30th, 1938, the British PM declared from a window at 10 Downing St:
My good friends, This is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds.
On paper, everything seemed good. But Hitler, like the Iranian leadership, was a belligerent psychopath. You don’t make deals with the Devil and expect the Devil to live up to his side. Not so long after Chamberlain’s peace achievement, German bombs rained down on England, not to mention, the 20,000,000 dead Russian soldiers, the gobbling up of Europe by Hitler and of course, the six million Jewish civilians of Europe who were exterminated. And that bring us to Israel.
Obama said. “And because this is such a strong deal, every nation in the world that has commented publicly with the exception of the Israeli government has expressed support.”
It is simply stunning to see an America president so naïve and so willing to throw its best friend under the nuclear bus, in order to embrace its worst enemy. Let’s examine Obama’s words.
1. That is like saying, “Everyone was super excited about the deer hunt, except for the deer.” Iran is not calling for Death to Germany or Death to France or Death to Russia. They have not called for England or Holland to be removed from the face of the earth. Israel is the deer and Iran is the deer hunter. Is it so hard for Obama to understand the concerns of a people, who have already suffered attempts at extermination, when you want to make peace with their mortal enemy?
2. Germany stands to makes billions from trading with Iran. Same with Russia. Of course they are giddy about the deal. Iran is not threatening them.
3. What do you think Iran is going to with all those billions of dollars in revenue once the sanctions are lifted? Build an Obama Theme Park? Maybe a statue in his honor? No, they’ll give millions in dollars and weapons to Israel’s enemies like Hamas and Hezbollah, and the murderous Syrian government. Because the goal is not peace, but Islam!
Obama has just pushed the balance of power in the Middle East into Iran’s lap. It is not enough that I have to sleep at night knowing that Hezbollah has 100,000 missiles pointed at my countrymen, but he is now opening the floodgates to them. He is so hesitant to arm moderate rebels in Syria, but happy to arm the vilest terrorists on earth through this deal.
4. While Obama says the Iran Deal is only opposed by Israel does he not realize that most of America is against it? Should he be concerned about those who support it? Here is Syrian Dictator Assad: “I am happy that the Islamic Republic of Iran has achieved a great victory by reaching an agreement… In the name of the Syrian people, I congratulate you and the people of Iran on this historic achievement.”
“Just because Iranian hardliners chant death to America, doesn’t mean that’s what all Iranians believe,” shared Obama.
Yes but those other peace-loving, democratic-longing Iranians are not the ones in power. They are the ones Obama abandoned in 2009 when they sought his help in overthrowing the hardliners; they’re the ones thrown in prison with no trial, never to be heard from again. It is the President of Iran, not some wacked-out outlaw calling for Death to America. On Al Quds day, Iranian President Rouhani was seen enjoying a rally where the masses cried out “death to America” and “death to Israel.”
Days before the agreement was reached, as Obama and Kerry bent over backwards, begging Iran to sign the deal, Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamene publically called for death to America. This is the most powerful man in Iran and Obama wants us to think these calls are coming from “some kind of KKK fringe in Iran” to quote Charles Krauthammer.
Meanwhile John Kerry’s chief concern at present is losing the trust of—not Israel, nor the American people—but the man who has called for America’s demise and for Israel to be removed from the map.
“The ayatollah constantly believed that we are untrustworthy, that you can’t negotiate with us, that we will screw them,” Kerry said. “[Having Congress vote down the nuclear pact] will be the ultimate screwing.” (source)
This would be like the victims of Bernie Madoff worried about losing his trust. This is the guy who allows untold horrors to take place against his own citizens and embraces every kind of torture and Kerry is worried about losing his trust? He is worried about losing the trust of the man whose goal is our Islamic domination! He is trying to gain the trust of one of the most lying, cheating regimes on earth. Listen again to Charles Krauthammer:
“It is a fundamental principle of the Islamic regime [in Iran] founded in 1979 to the expulsion of the influence of the United States, the domination of U.S. allies (meaning other Arabs in the region) and the most important ideologically, is the irradiation of Israel.”
Reagan defeated the Soviet Union through strength. Obama and Kerry, sitting on a full house, chose to cave in when Iran didn’t have a pair of deuces.