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Shelanu TV is BY Israelis, FOR Israelis—unique, high-quality content in HEBREW—sharing the truth about Yeshua all day, every day.

It’s a great thing that has happened between the Church and Israel in the last 100 years or so. Christians have started to bless and support the Jewish people—something that hasn’t been the case for most of the 2,000 years of Church history.

Your love is a powerful witness to my people—together, let’s make sure EVERY Israeli knows the source of our hope and love—Yeshua the Messiah.

Consider becoming a monthly supporter of Shelanu TV or making a one-time donation.

Together, let’s reach ALL ISRAEL with the gospel!

About Shelanu TV

HaSalon Ep 1
HaSalon Ep 2
HaSalon Ep 3

We have produced  11 different programs and a total of 191 episodes—so far! And more are in the works…


We are reaching approximately 250,000 people online in Israel every month.


In 2021, we mailed out 196 New Testaments and 198 copies of Identity Theft in Hebrew. We also emailed digital versions to many who were seeking to know more about Yeshua.

On the Way

A show where we travel around the country of Israel and show our viewers the truth of Yeshua as the Messiah through history and nature.




This is our flagship testimony program where believers, in an intimate setting, talk about how they received Yeshua.



Practical Faith

Avi Mizrachi interviews various Arab and Jewish believers about what and how they are reaching out to the nation of Israel.



Don't Lose Hope

Tikva ("Hope") shares messages from the heart about her faith and the Bible.



Eye Level

A show where we interview normal people that are doing extraordinary things in Israel.




This is a music show where believing artists play music they have written and talk about how they wrote the songs.



Weekly Torah Portion

Yehuda Bahana unravels the secrets of the weekly Torah portion.



Women’s Voice

Four women talk about marriage, children, and other issues and how God's word provides us with wisdom and guidance.



Shma Israel

Production where believers present undeniable facts about believing topics that they are passionate about. In the style of Ted Talks



Bible Circle

Seasoned bible teachers talk about insights of the bible relevant to the Jewish culture.



What’s the Question

This is an exciting new show based on Dr. Michael Brown’s powerful apologetic teachings, presented by a native Israeli.



*We have completed this show.


We are into YEAR 2 of Shelanu! "They" (the Israeli government, or at least the very religious members of it) sought to shut us down and shut us up—but here we are! Sharing the GOOD NEWS of Yeshua the Messiah with THOUSANDS of Israelis weekly. Thanks to your prayers and support and our amazing team at Shelanu.

I always enjoy hearing the report each month from Evan Santoro, our Station Manager. When you are daily in the trenches—taping, producing, marketing, answering emails (some nice, some not so nice)—it's nice to "look up" and see the bigger picture of where we have been and where we are going.

Below are some of the highlights of how Shelanu TV is impacting Israel!

We are continuing to produce several shows weekly for the channel. Just last week, we filmed another episode of "The Living Room." It was a very powerful testimony of an Israeli woman who grew up in a religious household but found Yeshua. These testimonies are particularly effective as there are a lot of religious Jews in Israel, and such testimonies tend to touch their hearts and cause them to listen. We are excited about this episode and are praying and believing that it will bear much fruit.

I am amazed that we have been able to produce so much content in such a short period of time. It is the grace of God! As I have previously stated, there has never been so much native Israeli, born-again content available. 

We know that the people of Israel have suffered so much at the hands of 'so-called' Christians over the years, turning them off to the idea of Yeshua being the Messiah, but as this God-injected content is being released, we are weakening the walls of disbelief and bias, as cracks are forming, and the light of the truth is seeping through and reaching the hearts of the people. We are going to see a change in Israel as people turn towards the light of the life of Yeshua and are saved!

We reached just under a quarter of a million people during the month of June.

It takes about $12,000 a month to cover the costs of production EACH month for Shelanu. Our shows are high-quality—first because, as followers of Yeshua, we want our viewers to see excellence, and secondly, because we know that Israelis have HIGH standards and would not even give our channel a second look if we ever put out anything less than the best!

We are ALL eager to see MILLIONS of Israelis come to believe that Yeshua is the Messiah—but with all harvests, it's vital that you know what SEASON you are in. I'm no farmer or gardener—at least not in the natural, but I am in the spirit! Right now, it is SEED PLANTING time and WATERING time…and perhaps, even before that, there are some areas where we are breaking up the ground to get it ready to PLANT.

JOIN US in this exciting adventure to reach ALL of ISRAEL with the gospel.

Until all Israel is saved,

(Romans 11:26)




Ron Cantor

PS… THE CHOSEN is on the (digital) air on Shelanu starting December 28! Please join me in praying for Israelis to fall in love with Yeshua! And help us get the word out on social media, so they will COME AND SEE!

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