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Why do Africans want to live in Israel?

Maybe you have heard about the recent wave of illegal immigration from African countries into Israel. It has become a huge issue here in Israel for a variety of reasons. In fact, in certain parts of Tel Aviv, you might feel you are in Nigeria.

An African migrant worker cheers during Israel’s 64th Independence Day anniversary celebrations in Tel Aviv in April 2012. (Ariel Schalit, AP)

There are many opinions about how to deal with this and I am not going to add mine, however, let me make one glaring observation:

According to the UN Human Rights Commission, Amnesty International and virtually every other group that supposedly is concerned about human rights…, Israel is a bad, oppressive place for non-Jews…

And yet tens of thousands of Africans are risking their lives to illegally enter this ‘oppressive’ country. Something tells me they are not seeking to infiltrate such peace-loving nations as Iran or Syria. And the ones that do enter Egypt are mostly doing so to get into Israel (Egyptian border guards have been known to shoot Africans seeking to leave Egypt for Israel).

This one little fact serves at irrefutable proof that Israel is wonderful, safe and desirable place not only for Jews, but even for those who will not have any legal status once they arrive. How is it that the UN General Assembly routinely condemns Israel more than all other nations combined and yet it is the destination of choice for those in Africa seeking a better life? [1] Hmmm.

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