On Saturday night I was typing out on my keyboard when I noticed that Elana was crying while watching the news in Hebrew. This is what was breaking her heart.
Last week a Palestinian terrorist tried to enter the home of Natan and Dafna Meir. Dafna was adopted at age thirteen and two of their six children were also adopted. She was an amazing woman: She worked as a nurse, she was a premarital counselor for brides and she lectured to religious women on sexual education. You can’t minimize that last part, as there are so many myths and accusations in religious communities regarding sexual relations. She was bold and willing to talk “out loud” about these sensitive issues.
But she is no more.
The petite Meir, sought to fight off the terrorist at the entrance to her home to protect her children who were inside. In so doing, she suffered a fatal stab wound.
When her seventeen-year-old daughter, Ranana, heard the screams, she can downstairs. The savage saw the daughter and sought to pull his bloody knife out of Dafna and go after the children. Dafna fought the terrorist to keep him from retrieving his knife—keeping it in her dying body.
Her daughter Ranana said:
“I saw him try to pull out the knife. I shouted to my two brothers not to go up to the living room. I understood that he [the terrorist] wanted to continue. It took a few seconds until he realized that he couldn’t remove the knife, and he ran. “Mom fought with him, she didn’t let him remove the knife, she didn’t let him hurt us. I screamed. He was shocked and fled.”
Ranana recounts her mothers last moments on earth:
“Mom was still breathing, I just asked her the whole time to keep breathing, not to stop, but I already knew. It was clear to me that it was over. She tried to keep breathing. I felt that she heard me even though she already wasn’t responding… I hope that she didn’t hear my screams.”[1]
Meanwhile Palestinian President Abbas is on a campaign to find mercy for his terrorists. Abbas is demanding that Israel release a thirteen-year-old that stabbed an Israeli. When Israelis defend themselves against terrorists, Abbas accuses us of:
“execut[ing] our children in cold blood, as they did to the child Ahmed Manasra and other children in Jerusalem and elsewhere.”[2]
Of course, Ahmed Manasra was not executed or even killed for that matter, but was being treated by Israeli doctors. He was hit by a vehicle as he fled the scene of his crime.
Below is the video of Ahmed and his cousin searching for Israelis to stab. Both of them are clearly carrying knives.
Abbas, who has not condemned one terrorist attack since this ‘knife intifada’ began—such as the stabbing of Dafna Meir, is stirring up the whole world against Israel for arresting a criminal. In most countries thirteen-year-olds who stab with the intent to kill don’t just get to go home. Of course, if you are from a culture that glorifies murder, that might be different.
Meanwhile the foreign minister of Sweden wants Israel investigated for “extra-judicial killings” referring to Israelis defending themselves against ISIS-inspired terrorists.
[1] http://roncan.net/1OBvaqm (from Arutz Sheva)
[2] http://roncan.net/1Tc4xLR (from timesofisrael.com)