“Shlach et ha’aish, Shlach et ha’aish” we sang passionately this past Shabbat towards the end of our time of worship at congregation Tiferet Yeshua. In English that means, “Send the Fire!” At that moment Ari Sorko-Ram, our senior leader called me up and asked me to introduce the team of Israeli young adults going to Africa with me to conduct a ‘Campaign for Yeshua’ that we hope will reach 100,000 Nigerians.
Phase 3
When Shaul (Paul) took the good news from Israel to the nations he said:
For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “I have made youa light for the Nations, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 14:47)
When people speak about Israel’s restoration, they often miss this part.
1. We speak about the Land of Israel being restored to the Jews. (Ez. 36:24)
2. We speak about Jewish people coming to faith. (Ez. 36:25-28)
3. But often we miss the third phase of her restoration. That the gospel would go forth from Zion to the world.
We see this in the original call of the first disciples when Yeshua told them to start in Jerusalem, but don’t stop there:
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
And finally, after nearly two thousand years of wandering, being told you can’t be Jewish and believe in Yeshua, being forced to be baptized, expulsed from countries and even murdered by church leaders—Israelis are not only coming to Yeshua, but they are taking the good news from Israel to the nations.
Being Sent
Just like Shaul and Barnabas had hands laid upon them and they were sent to preach the good news, our congregation is sending us from Israel.
As we stood up there before the congregation, you could sense the excitement, not only in the team, but also in the congregation as a whole. Ari has challenged them to help the team raise $500 per person. And the congregation is responding. This is more significant than you realize. So much of the funds to do ministry here in Israel come from other nations. It would be easy for Israelis to look to others to fund this and not themselves. However Ari and the congregational leaders feel that it is so important for Israeli believers to learn the principles of giving. Already, in just two weeks, our congregation has raised 16.5% of the needed $4,000.
Each participant has to provide an additional $500, and then we at MMI, thanks to the generosity of our partners, will provide the remaining $1,000 per person. We also have a few more coming from other congregations.
By sponsoring one of these Israelis, you will be making an eternal difference in their lives! This trip will be life-changing, as God uses them to open the eyes of the blind (literally!) and see salvation go to tens of thousands of Nigerians. May they bring that revival fire back to the congregation and may we see a move of God here in Tel Aviv.
Go now to http://israel2africa.org and sponsor an Israeli to take the gospel to Africa! We are so grateful for your partnership. We can’t do it alone.