Israel has good reason to warn Hamas against trying to disrupt the international gathering for the Holocaust in Jerusalem — the Palestinian Authority’s own newspaper published an op-ed suggesting that “one dead body” would cancel the ceremony.
“One shot will disrupt the [Holocaust] ceremony and one dead body will cancel the ceremony,” the author of the op-ed in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida wrote on Jan. 18 — more or less calling for the assassination of a world leader or the murder of someone in attendance.
If there was ever one event for which the Palestinians should have little respect, it is remembering the six million Jews that were murdered in the Holocaust. But instead, they are seeking to murder Jews.
The article called for Palestinians to “resist” the ceremony where nearly 49 world leaders will gather in Jerusalem this week to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. “Resist” is a Palestinian euphemism for a terror attack.
Columnist Yahya Rabah criticized the international community for recognizing that the “Jews’ Holocaust is terrible” while accepting the “Palestinian holocaust by Israel that still continues.”
“It can be assumed that they [Palestinians] will resist the ceremony being held in Jerusalem itself, as Jerusalem is theirs,” he wrote.“(Israel) is now energetically planning to hold a ceremony for the Holocaust in occupied Jerusalem, and it is accustomed to the world participating with it in this ceremony, as the Jews’ Holocaust is terrible, but the Palestinian holocaust by Israel that still continues is insignificant, beautiful, spectacular, and good,” he wrote. “Of course, the Palestinians will never accept this equation, and it can be assumed that they will resist the ceremony being held in Jerusalem itself, as Jerusalem is theirs, despite [U.S. President Donald] Trump who gave it to Israel as part of the filthy deal of the century.”
What a joke. They compare the Palestinian struggle, where Israel goes to great length to protect human life, to a real actual genocide. They forget that the main enemy of the Palestinian people are their leaders who steal their aid money and get rich and their murderous rulers in Gaza, Hamas, who jail journalists and murder “suspected” collaborators, without a trial.
The writer encourages Arabs not to follow in the footsteps of Israel and America “who are determining for them who their enemies are and who their friends are.” Palestinian Media Watch translated and published the article in English.
The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations denounced the article.
“Such a call for violence can never be justified, but it is especially repugnant for the PA to incite terrorism deliberately aimed at disrupting an occasion as solemn and significant as this,” the organization said.
Palestinian terror attack in Hebron (photo credit: screenshot)