Mike Moses is in Hong Preparing for the Isaiah 2 Initiative’s (I2I) Campaign for Yeshua 2011. I just got off the phone with a couple hundred leaders in Hong, Nigeria. Pastor Mike, who has been there since Friday, called me up and asked me to greet the leaders. If I wasn’t excited before, I am now! The presence of God and authority of the name of Yeshua was so strong as I prayed for them and sang a Hebrew blessing over them.
The Hong Campiagn Central Leadership Committee
Now the real work begins. Over the next several months Pastor Mike will work with his leadership team (that he is forming now from amongst the 200 gathered) to oversee all the practical work that is needed to host a mass evangelism outreach that can reach 100,000 people. Hundreds of Nigerian believers will be involved. In addition, they will be praying and fasting for revival to come to their city and the surrounding villages. UPDATE: I just received an email as I was writing this that Pastor Mike has formed his Central Leadership Committee. Praise God!!! We are moving forward.
Here in Israel we are getting prepared as well, building our team, partnering with other congregations and preparing discipleship materials for the Israelis that will come with us. You do understand that half of the purpose of I2I is to raise up leaders here in Israel by taking them with us to do the ministry (Eph 4:11). While I preach at most of the main meetings, they preach at smaller venues and testify at the larger ones, as well as pray for the sick. IT IS A GREAT HANDS-ON LEARNING EXPEREINCE FOR THEM! So far it is working, but we want to sharpen the discipleship expereince so we are putting together materials that focus on evanglesim, signs and wonders, healing and casting out demons, so they will be better prepared when they arrive.
When Philip entered Samaria, he shook the city. All these things (miracles, demons fleeing, etc.) happened through his ministry and are characteristic of a mass outreach effort that is blessed by the Holy Spirit. Read this short passage.
5 Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. 6 When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. 7 For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. 8 So there was great joy in that city.
We are trusting God for nothing less—Great Joy in Hong, as was in this Samarian city.
You can also play a role in this effort. We still need to raise about 80% of our campaign budget. For a gift of $50, we are able to reach about 100 Nigerians with the gospel. A gift of $900 will pay for one of our Israelis to come with us (as MMI pays for half of each Israeli). Thank you for your partnership!
Below our video from last year’s Outreach to Gombi. If you have not seen it yet, you will be blessed!