I made the video below just before the 13 Israeli hostages were released. As we were recording, it was announced that they were on their way home. We talked about a lot of different things such as:
1. Do Israelis think that they are more valuable than Palestinians because 50 Israelis appear to be worth 150 Palestinians? (An extremely dumb question from a reporter, but I took the opportunity to address it).
2. Is this a good deal?
3. Reports of 200 Muslims in Gaza, having dreams of Jesus on the same night.
4. How we should be praying to see more hostages released.
I think it will bless you and equip you to answer those who don’t support Israel.
ALSO… Robby Dawkins and I, along with our wives, will be hosting an Israel Solidarity Tour at the end of January. If you are interested, send me an email at uptoziontours@gmail.com. The link to book the tour will be active next week.
What a great moment to announce our “BRING THEM HOME NOW” Solidarity w/ Israel Tour—Jan. 23-Feb. 1.
We will have four days of touring and four days of service to Israelis. We are still working on the details. We will donate 50% of the proceeds to relief efforts in Israel. We will love on soldiers and serve survivors. We don’t have a price yet, but should next week. The purpose of this trip is to show solidarity with the people of Israel. We want to let them know that there are believers who love them.